rush n. 拉什〔姓氏〕。 vi. 1.向前猛进,冲,突进;突击,冲击,袭击 (on upon)。 2.匆匆忙忙地走。 3.迫不及待地要,冒冒失失地做;突然出现[发生]。 vt. 1.使向前冲,使猛进;突破,冲破;赶,驱;催促;赶紧做[执行、进行];赶紧送,急送。 2.冲锋夺取,袭击;冲破;【足球】带球冲到球门;〔美俚〕热烈地追求;拚命巴结;〔美学生语〕款待(新会员)。 He rushes into things. 他做事冒失。 R- this order please. 请赶快办理订货单。 rush a bill through 使议案匆匆通过。 rush at 向…冲过去。 rush headlong 冒进。 rush harvest 抢收。 rush plant 抢种。 rush in 冲进,跑进,跳进,踏进。 rush into extremes 走极端。 rush in upon one's mind 忽然浮现在心里。 rush out 赶制出来。 rush out of the room 冲出屋子。 rush to a conclusion 轻率下结论。 rush to arms 急取武器。 n. 1.突进,猛进;突击,突破。 2.蜂拥而至;激增,猛长;繁忙。 3.抢购,抢订。 4.【足球】带球冲破敌阵冲到球门(的人)。 5.〔美国〕(大学各年级学生间抢夺旗子等的)揪扭,乱斗;〔美学生语〕上好成绩,几乎得一百分。 6.【电影】试映影片。 7.〔美俚〕热烈的追求,殷勤,体贴。 8.〔俚语〕(服用毒品后立即产生的)瞬间强烈快感。 a rush of water 奔流。 a rush of wind 一阵急风。 a rush of blood to the head 脑溢血。 a great rush of work 工作繁忙。 a rush of buds 芽猛长。 be in a rush 大忙特忙。 with a rush 哄地一下子,猛地 (They came in with a rush. 他们一哄而入)。 adj. 〔主美〕猛冲的,蜂拥而来的;赶紧完成[执行]的(命令等)。 n. 【植物;植物学】灯心草,蔺;没价值的东西。 not care a rush 满不在乎。 not worth a rush 毫无价值。 vt. 铺灯心草于;用灯心草做。
Bird seed company , we all rushed to see it 我们不得不排了好几个小时才进得场去。
We all rushed forward to shake hands with him 我们冲上前去与他握手。
They all rushed there to give a helping hand 他们都赶去帮忙。
The memory of the old day all rushed back upon him with sickening vividness 过去时光的记忆带著令人极不愉快的清晰向他袭来。
When the news of a free variety show at our local cinema got round , we all rushed to see it 当鸟食公司要在我们当地电影院演杂技的消息传出时,我们都赶紧跑去观看。
They were all rushed to the tuen mun hospital where the passenger was later certified dead at 10 . 32 pm on august 31 男乘客稍后于晚上十时三十二分证实死亡。案件已交由新界北交通部特别调查队跟进。
The next instant , back it all rushed again , with still a deeper throb of pain ; for , in that brief interval , she had sinned anew 但那瞬向一过,更深的刺病便疾速返回因为在这短暂的邂逅中,她又重新犯了罪。
When everyone heard you were ill they all rushed over to your place to make you feel better . im leaving . enjoy your solitude 当所有人听到你生病了,他们全部都冲过去你家,想让你感到好过一点。我要走了,好好享受你的清静吧。
They all rushed towards him , for all loved edmond in spite of his superiority ; yet jacopo reached him first . he found edmond lying prone , bleeding , and almost senseless 他们立刻向他冲了过去,尽管爱德蒙在各方面都比他们高出一筹,他们却都很爱戴他,而第一个跑到那儿的是雅格布。
Princess filled with a monster in the streets , he secretly loved you only secretly protect him . all rushed out of the monster on january 1 eliminated , every few relevant even bigger boss emergence a really horrifying 公主一个人在充满怪物的街上行走,暗恋他的你只有暗中保护他,将所有冲出来的怪物一一消灭,每隔几关还会有大boss出现,真是恐怖阿。